Princess of Mirkwood

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Worthy of Your Soul (and other things that Google my diary)
12:27 p.m.

Wow, I got 94 hits yesterday! I feel so special. Well, not too special as it seems I've been Googled under "Worthy of Your Soul" more times than anything else. "I love you" and "Sindarin" are the next runners up. Some poor soul stumbled onto my Legolas fangirl rewrite of "David Duchovny" by Bree Sharp. Tsk. I pity them.

Today I'm going to go into work early to let my friend go home. She's really sick. Ick. So I can't have a long and drawn-out conversation with...err, you don't need to know who it is. I don't want to embarrass him. But I will say it is a boy. Mwa.

So...I guess that's it for now.

If you're just here for Great King Alexander's full-version lyrics, they're back a few entries...I forget where I left 'em, but they're in here somewhere.

But if you're here for how to say, "I love you" in Sindarin, I can't help. My elvish is terrible. Probably because I've never had a Sindarin elf tell me he loves me, heh heh.

yal�m� | apacen

last five entries:
shh...the monkies are listening, and their teeth are sharp.
short note before I go
Donuts, Mister Vash?

Pants me, but don't tell the elf.

Embrace your geekiness.

The WeatherPixie